Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ciril Jazbec 
I selected this photograph because I really like dogs and I also like the way this photo was taken. The focus is interesting to me.
If I was a photographer I would not change this photo.
This photo is asymmetrical. There is lots of stuff going on and it balances out what we are looking at.
I believe this photo was taken somewhere on a farm
Ciril Jazbec normally takes photos of families and his pictures normally have a lot going on. Most of his pictures are filled up with people doing different activities or something like that.

Lyndon Wade
This photo was taken in the city of Baghdad. 
I chose it because I though it was a good representation of what goes on in the middle east.
If I was a photographer I would probably make the picture be a little more clear and have more in the picture.
This picture is asymmetrical. There is activity on both sides and it makes your eyes focus on all of it. 
Lyndon Wade takes pictures of a large variety of different things.

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